Medicine Wheel - East Animal Medicine Notes

Crow – 1st stone in the East

First circle: represents the stone that represents the animal medicine of the crow.
The energies of crow is very intriguing.
Crow medicine represents:
1.       Mysticism
2.       the color of creation is black
3.       It is an energy that is unformed and full of potential
4.       The crow is a watcher, it recognizes possible dangers, it helps you find your voice
5.        It has great intelligence
6.        If crow shows up in your life, It may be telling you, of all these things that you need to focus on, or it sees what you are, and if you work well with others.
7.        And sometimes crow gives warnings that Thievery might be about and to keep your eyes open to that. Or you may be introduced to a person that is hard to get near.
8.       Crow also represents home and respect.
9.        And also has the medicine of past life connections.
10.   Crow medicine can predict and help you predict in a clear way.
11.   Crow also is symbolic of good luck and solitude.
12.   Crow also represents messenger, and reminds you that you are a messenger.
13.    Crow helps to bring spiritual strength and help you to help others look for the opportunities in their life.


Owl – 2nd Stone in the East.

Second Circle: represents the stone that represents the animal medicine of the owl.
Owl represents:
1.       the mysteries of magic.
2.       The silent mysteries of magic. The silent wisdom – it has vision in the dark places.
3.       Owl is a female symbol, and of the moon and the night. It has been called the cat with wings.
4.       It has healing powers.
5.        And the owl represents higher wisdom and prophecy and the goddess. Goddess Athena is associated with the owl.
6.       The native Indians also associated it with protection.
7.       The owl also represents clairvoyance and astral travel.
8.       Common belief is the owl can extract secrets and also bring visions.
9.        It encourages us to listen and detect subtle movements.
10.   It sees what is sudden.
11.   Owl is a power totems and has the ability to see into the souls of others.
12.    Keeping silent, will bring you to your best success.
13.    The owl is also a balancing medicine and brings tolerance.

Raven – 3rd stone of the East

Third circle: represents the stone that represents the animal medicine of Raven.
  Raven represents:
1.       Magic
2.       shape shifting
3.       your being and your entire life.
4.       Creation
5.       Winter
6.       a bird of birth and death
7.       A messenger of the great spiritual realm like the Crow, but bigger
8.       life shall spring forth and life will bring order
9.       Raven likes to mimic so look at is someone is mimicking you or are you mimicking someone or should you be mimicking something in nature to bring balance to self.
10.   Playfulness in nature. They use stones and stir magic.
11.   They are fearless and stir the energies without any fear to eventually become manifested.
12.   It represents go into the dark, and bring forth light.

 Humming Bird – 4th Stone of the East

Fourth circle: the Hummingbird
Hummingbird represents:
1.      collarless joy.
2.      The nectar of life.
3.      vibration flying it hovers.
4.      Hummingbird is the symbol of the affinity.
5.       It studies the law of cause and effect.
6.      It’s medicine reminds you to create your own medicine.
7.       It reminds you to consider not a straight path, it is about being flexible.
8.       It’s medicine and brings rain and rainbows, endurance, and reminds you that you are getting too much or too little of something.
9.      They play in water and are fearlessly independent.
10.     Hummingbird says, find your own joy.

 Eagle – 5th Stone of the East

Fifth circle: the Eagle.
Eagle Medicine Represents:
1.       Eagle medicine is also a warrior.
2.       It brings illumination of spirit and healing.
3.       It spends little time hunting.
4.        It is the symbol of the soul, spirit, and resurrection.
5.       It represents magical powers.
6.        A great capacity for prescription.
7.       The bald Eagle is the symbol for water.
8.       It represents the ability to walk between the worlds.
9.        It also represents the higher wisdom shape shifter and introduces you to all the gods.
10.   Heroic and nobility. In fact, as you enter into know that you in fact, where receiver of this nobility from the Eagle.
11.   They help us rediscover our inner child.
12.   The Eagle represents the sun, sound foundation, to know when to or not to speak.
13.   It represents new vision and when it will be open for you. It lets us understand when to stop asking when, and to accept and be thankful for the new vision is coming to you now.
14.   It represents past, present and future.
15.    It is the female architect in general and can open many doors. Saying we are builders of not only buildings, but also of people, programs, schools.
16.   It also fosters cooperation.
17.   When the Eagle medicine comes into your life,  perfect timing is better than solid sound word.  Timing can be the most important thing as you move through life.

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